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Sunday, February 29, 2004

good very the early morning to all.

trust me when i say this. it's 5.41am. jus got back from Jams.hmm...and why u ask me am i blogging at this hour?

1. I jus had Nescafe Ice jus before reachin home.
2. I am not sleepy.
3. I'm a blog-freak.

so anyway, it was practically the "heran-tak-heran" night. arghhh.... lack of niggas and "wassup-wassup wannabes". but overall,met some people from my past. Hello to u too,Hairul. and Imran, and some guys from my school whose names are to be declined. (but true fact, i dun remember their names.)i was with the "frontlines" guys whole night. ;) Singh's birthday actually. opened like 2 J.D in the house. BUT! sadly,Singh got drunk whole night and i bet it was not a good birthday for him,except for the new Timberland Shoes. (dun worry,got warranty.) sigh...so drunk that I,YES,ME!had to take him home.

somehow, after 2 hours on the dancefloor, i was at a corner. with Eis,who not drunk,but dun seem to have his party cap on anymore. i was thinking to myself. i'm glad i wasnt drunk. in fact i only had a glass of Bourbon. (boring,right?) even when the boys offered the JD, i declined. cause u know why? cause i'm hanging on to the car keys. i have to be responsible. somehow, my perception was that, i shouldn't drink and drive. it's so dangerous. why?

1. Road Block everywhere. never once, that a policeman wont stop a CRX.
2. My safety.Drowsiness
3. I have 2 passengers who relies on me when they get drunk.

i Dun regret actually, not to be able to get high like most kids. i mean,come on. safety. safety comes first. (please dun procastinate me) Oh Well, no more for the next few weeks. But the next one will be in March with Syah. i'll make sure i'll bring Singh...undrunk...hehheh..

p.s:Remind me not to wear heels.Since now I have "tangkap step" from the peeps there.

p.s 2: Samui....here i come....!!!!

Saturday, February 28, 2004

i had a fruitful day at WRL.

mind u, i'm talking about the friday i just had. was at wrl whole day with the boy. then his insurance agent came. sigh....kinda distracted me with the life policy and stuff...but i managed with my Social Order/Change. then studied on Lagrange.Hmmm....."ohhh ku ingat kan burung...!" finally, i managed to integrate and differentiate anythin.hee....try me! ohoh....ok enuff abt study stuff...

i kinda already lost the mood to study. but then, i jus had a talk with my parents while they eat supper. hmmm.... i really gotta study hard for the sake of our future. i mean, if onli i'm already graduated and werking. i wouldnt wan my parents to work so hard. and typical of me, i never trust my sisters to take care of them. sigh... how i wish i'm already werking. then madam dun have to work anymore and daddy can take up light work to kill time. but i cant wish for that now. at least maybe after i graduate. at least, i will be able to get a better job and then my Madam can become Taitai. i really pity them. but somehow or rather, i jus hate my sisters, cause they dun seems to have the same feelings as me. argh.

i guess it all due to fate that everyone have their own problems esp family problems. i dunno why some people(mainly my frens,if they are considered as one), thinks that i'm some spoilt brat from a rich family. seriously, i feel hurt. i mean, i'm from an average family, both parents working. i have responsibilty. i have feelings that will also hurt when things people say are nasty. yes, i look snobbish, but hey, god gave me this face.i just dunno. i dun blame many of my frens who stayed away from me. cause these people jus dun understand.i never like telling my problems to anyone. unless i'm close to them cause they are close to me. but it seems that they have the perception that i am the party who dun like them. sigh...it's so hard to find true friends who are really into u, and not onto u. one scenario:u meet a group of your frens outside. having happy time,window shopping blablabla. to them, "hey it's fiddy." but to me" hmm...it's them.once again i'm not invited." i dunno whether it;s jus me or them. it feels like i'm at the bottom of the burgoeise table.i really do.

and who do i talk to at home at night? my bearbear and my boy. that is if he's not werking.

saturday will be cheong day.heee
Thursday, February 26, 2004

it's 2337hours

IBM?dun ask. pretend i never even take that subject.

when for cruising today and tonight. it's been like 3 days since i drove? i dun miss it actually. but today had to do errands for the Madam. oh yes. Daddy found out about the crack at the back.he's disappointed in me. but i'm more disappointed in him. well, maybe i'm just petty, but he never even ask if i'm ok or did i like get a shock from the crash. nope. nuh-uh! i know him to long. he wont be bother anything except his things. PK said that when daddy found out,daddy would ask abt me first. nope he didn't. he just shoot me down with the crack and his ugly look just never fail to amaze me. he said he will fix it. but i think i will fix it first. it's my responsibilty. i bet the next person to interrogate me is the Madam. hmmm..so should i pretend to sleep when they get back? or face the music? but PK is right.i did spent alot on the car. i mean, i paid for the season parking. the last servicing,3/4 of the headlights.... yeah, i know.me and daddy are still not even.

i saw a cat today. a black one. stared at me. i wonder if my luck is changing.

sigh...cause of the exams, i got no time for my class2B. then how? i think i wanna save up for this GT200. cute or not? suit me right? imagine fiddy with a turtle style pink helmet sitting on this GT200 (but in PINK color). hmmmm

ok. i give up.

i'm gonna stroll into the exams hall later.write my name.read the questions and leave after an hour past. why? cause i give up. in fact, i got so lost hope, i started to revamp my blog. hmmm...it's still not in tip-top shape,though.
Monday, February 23, 2004

the day before the prelims.

suppose to meet the guys in school to do stats. but i woke up late. i think i'm flunking this mock. really. gonna take a walk later on. been days i left the car behind. got tired of being broke because of the car. nothin's new.
no one on msn nowadays.being mugging i suppose. i wonder who else is slacking like me.
just f**k it. exams are for amatuers.hee.... oh well. i kinda sound morbid this morning. dunno why. kept dreaming about ghosts. wat's the meaning?dunch know for sure.
Sunday, February 22, 2004

Which Royalty Are You? Find out! By Nishi.

You are a Queen!
Beautiful, Wise, Strong
Righteous, Commanding, Humble

You are the beautiful and compassionate Queen. You are the epitomy of what every woman should be. You are confident, bold, aggressive, smart, womanly and feminine. You know the right thing to do and do it. You command respect and earn praise. You are moral and loving. In times of trouble, you draw strength from within, and are a source of strength for others.

one movie that is all about doing things for others and passion.

i dun understand why some critics jugded this flick as low as 4/10 stars. my gawd. the effort of the moves,the high paid actors (and why is Ginuwine paid 2nd highest?!?!??!), the slick Jessica Alba and smooth-talker Lil' Romeo. i mean...wat the hell? seriously, u have to be into Hiphop,Rnb,Drum and Bass, to actually watch this movie. if u're expecting Alba to take off her clothes or a sequel to FlashDance, please dun even dare to criticize. wat's so bad about a movie of a 22-year-old (ehem...) girl, finding an interest one things she have in life and better yet, sharing her passion with those who share the same mindcept. to me, it's an inspiring movie to all those dancers (whether it's ballet,breakdance,chinese opera,hindi style). absolutely fabulous. oh yeah, have i mention that Honey Daniels is like the goddess in my heart. she just so hot! check out her bods.... i won't be surprise if he drools over her.

and who say a not-bad looking guy cant be with a damn hot girl
Thursday, February 19, 2004

it feels odd today.

i dunno why, but i just had to feel odd. hmm... i dunno. lots has happen over the week. trauma, shocking news, despair of trust. praxis.please take place. yes, i studied. but u know wat feels like after u study. u feel like u have not studied enough. not matter what. whole day tomorrow in class. yikes. but for me, i think i'll might as well finish my night in school as well.

make me happy.
It's the new 2004 Honda S2000
Tuesday, February 17, 2004


Monday, February 16, 2004

nice sunday.

ahhh...as u all can see, i was too tired to blog in last nite. so decided to blog in my yesterday entry today. so anyway, it was a great sunday, went to the beach and had lots of goodie bags and a 2 sets of bikini tan. (dun ask me wat happen). manage to read on Weber. great old chump. he didnt win the volleyball game. it's ok,dear. shit happens all the time. his frens were nice. but i still think that they think i'm some stuck-up person.hee... well, dunno dun care. it wont surprise me if they do. hee... oh yeah. met my rival in love,by the way. and he's a married man. hehehhe.... by the way, for those who are remembered at heart and didnt make it for familyday,jus too bad.hee.... u missed the fun.

isnt she so cute?Mus' Kiddo!!!

Sunday, February 15, 2004

2 rose + stalker rose + a box of RF + ..................

happy valentine's day to all.i hope u all had a lovely evening. my day ,or in fact, event, was wonderful. got a rose from my lovely fren Safiah and a rose from Sizzlers (???!!!) . oh yeah, thank you, mr stalker for that lovely rose u drop on my front car screen. and thank you mr ex-bf who gave my the box of RF. it's not that i dun appreciate. but i do. just that i still have my pride. oh yeah.. he bought me a.......................... heee.....

didnt expect it though. really loved it. i feel so bad for not getting him anythin much, except for the chocolates and the movies. hmmm... i'll make it up to u,ok? i really love it!!! will wear it later at Sentosa! please dun think think that i like other things. i really like it. really.yes, i've been receiving bears all my valentines days, but this year, it's special. cause u made it a difference. thank you so much. by the way, guys, nice or not?hee..... kinky aight?hee... but anyway, muct flatten my tummy first.hehehhe....1000 crutches in the morning. right.............

thank you.
Friday, February 13, 2004

nothin to wear.

here i am in school,waiting for Dr Porn (it's her real name,by the way) to end her lecture, so i can walk in happily and hand in my assignment.

oh yeah. nothin to wear to sunday. maybe i will wear nothin.
Thursday, February 12, 2004

stalker+ex-bf= a rose thrown away

yes. this not-good-looking girl has a stalker. and yes, my so-far-gone-with-the-wind ex-bf is back to haunt me for a date. the stalker?well ok, maybe someone playing a prank on me by leaving a rose on my windscreen yesterday after class. my ex-bf?my gawd...it's been a long time since we met and he's back?hehehe must be after the time he met me on the streets of orchard tt day. but man.... come on. i need a real date for saturday. but hey, it's valentines' day. no big deal about it. i dun really think of it much cause i'm fully packed with my prelims coming. besides, saturday is a bad day to go out.

so anyway, not so looking forward for family day this sunday. but i have not been to sentosa for so long. might as well get a tan while i'm at it.no swimsuit for me this sunday. why? cause i'm practically broke. and i'm serious. i'm left with $50 on my purse til dunno when. so maybe i should not get any date. cause i'll save money on a gift.hee...

i dunno if anyone still visit this site. but i jus blog in for the fun of typing. some of my frens came back and said that it's a nice blog, but where's the speaker box? well, my fren, i dun wan it anymore. it's just saddening. cause i hate comments. hee...
Monday, February 09, 2004

Monday Liao.....

sigh.... busy busy busy. with wat? checking out my hair. why? to see if there's any new growth of grey strands. how come? cause my prelims are up very soon. sigh....

so anyway, tomorrow will be the day i have to follow my schedule closely. so that i dun lose concentration of wat i should be studying. hopefully he will understand my plight. besides, it's time to get un-closer with him. hee.... but anyway, he'll keep himself busy with other things like work and school. not to mention, the karl marx book i got him to read. i hope he can explain to me how his theories are like.

just now,sunday, went to JB with him and shawn. nice guy shawn is. i dunno if i have any chinese chio-bus to intro to him.hee... any one out there looking for a really nice guy name shawn, who is not an ahbeng at all, and into RnB? hee.... i wonder how he looks like with the full uniform,including the black cap. berre isit?well i dunno how to spell it, but it sure look good on me if i join that force.hee...right.... Mickey is cute, by the way. His char-bor dog. oh yeah...JB. it was a fun ride. and feastttttttttttttttttttt..........heeee i think i ate too much. dun wanna look bad on this coming family day. sigh....the family day that i am actually going. but i do have to make sure, my syllabus for the week is done before i enjoy myself.

did i mention i'm broke? well, yeah....broke till dunno when. gotta take the bus/mrt soon. see you guys on the train,aight?

oh yeah.... Irreversible. go and catch it if u're into sex and violence. Gothika, yesh...go and catch that too. and if u still have some money left, take me to watch Torque. I haven watch that one. do you think it will be as exciting as Fast and Furious? there aint no Vin Diesel. but there's this chick named Monet. my gawd..... so anyway, tag me along,aight?

lastly, u guys have 8-9 more months til my bday. get me this,ok?

p.s: how much is a 2-piece swimsuit from Roxy will cost? Will it be over my budget. Daddy,help me!
Tuesday, February 03, 2004

my only weakest.

it's to fall in love. so afraid that i wont fall from a sudden death. but it happen.
Monday, February 02, 2004

it's monday already????

2th of feb. i wonder wat was i doin last year at this hour. oooo partying maybe? cause i haven had a thing to worry that time. but now...sigh. my prelims are up soon. i have exaclty 22 days to cover a whole stack of studying.hmmm... i think i have to crash course.seriously. this is if i wanna pass all. but i think i will concentrate on my stats and maths. shall try to squeeze in ibm,socio and IS. try is the werd here.
was trying to schedule my life for this month. but kinda hard. cause i dunno wat i should prioritise. as in, which subjects i should spend more time.actually i know which ones..hee... but i feel that the mock exam is gonna mock at me. gettit?hee.. but anyway,i promised to get at least second class to myself for the real exams. so at least, for my mock. i should get a pass. then i know where i stand.
monday....hmm...i wonder how am i gonna spend my day.
[[What I Know Abt Me]]

Most people call me Fiddy.
I'm a sister,daughter and a girlfriend.
But I'm mostly a lonesome.
Add me: Friendster fickle.fiddy@gmail.com
Add me: Msn irfidah1311@hotmail.com Current love: My Family and Teddy.

[[What I Wish For]]

  • Crumpler Pendent
  • Shoe Spree
  • Backpacking trip to Vietnam, India, Aussie and Thailand
  • Esprit Leather watch
  • My own freaking pimp-ride.
  • A new Hp Number that ends with "1311"
  • Fisheye No.2 with Color Splash
  • EOS 400D
  • Victoria Secret

  • [[What I Link]]

    *Azhar Chief*
    *Ibrahim Pinky*
    *Siu Ching*

    |Lomo Freaks|
    |My Junkfood Source|
    |CarpeDiem FC|

    [[What I Used To Blog]]


    [[What U Left]]
