once again, i'm gonna touch on this issue. it had come to me
,again, that the lifestyle i'm in at the moment is somehow,
DIFFERENT. u see, in this world, there are so many types of people. there are the nice ones, open-minded ones, narrow-minded one and etc... but the ones i wanna talk about are the minah-minded. haha. i know there's no such thing. but hell ya, there are. u see, i wear what i like when i'm working for my sister. the usuals are bermudas, pirated t-shirts and just slippers. i'm seen as a pretty messed-up person. for one thing, i dun care how ppl look at me in that way. i'm comfortable. and so be it. but somehow, i feel that the minah-minded person i got to know lately seemed to see me as the unruly and crude-ish type. rugged, to summarised it.
sigh... it saddens me. and this is why the society seems really saddening for me. seriously, i feel that the society i live in consist of alot of narrow-minded people. i'm no different, but i can say that at least i realised. specifically, to this person, i'm seen as a lowly-paid worker who works hard for the company at my own expense. thinking i'm lowly educated, the person thinks he/she can bring me down easily with the nasty things he/she says. i feel sad for this person. i dun even know our society has such a person. someone who judge other without knowing him/her self. the person by the way, like i said, minah-minded. sigh.
i hope i enlighten some of u about how this society works. if u wanna judge a person by the way he/she looks, go ahead. but always look at yourself first. the other party do not need to have high qualifications or wear Jimmy Choo to werk. the other party may jus be like me, simple-minded and thinks more than blabbering sh*t.
i may sound angry. but i've been more angry before. so this is jus a small detail. after so many self-anger management, i'm getting along fine. hehe.