i had quite a chat with a few certain ppl in my life. it's a good chat lah. it's like making u realise tt your life is not the only miserable one on this earth. sometimes, things happen for a reason. it's either we just swallow it down, or simply ... confront. which ever it is, it takes a real human-being-who-able-to-think to have that strength. i'm not proud of myself. i did bad things before and karma would-and-had hit me. and i learnt from them. until today, i would remember how ppl bad mouthed me and say things that even i cant imagine ppl say to me. for godsake, who would have the right to judge me. i know i judged ppl before and thus, now ppl judged me. i'm fine with tt.
with my happiness in my life right now, i feel tt i oughta be happy. i deserve happiness as much as everyone on this earth. to forgive is a must, to forget.... ahhh tt needs to be nurtured, seriously. there are certain ppl i know who are sore or unhappy with wat they have because of the ppl around them. i am in no position to tell them tt, "Everything will be ok". but i'm in a position tt any fren would be. tt is, to be a listening ear and a trust tt no one can take away from. i may sound a bit profound in this blog, but i have to cos i have a point to make. u see, i have limited number of frens, because i take each fren tt i already have seriously. if i have too many, then i'm divided. even though some frens were never there for me, i'm ok with that. it was then tt made me realise who are my real frens. ask yourself this. Are u a fren? What makes u a fren? Why would anyone wanna have u as a fren?
i have a bad habit of driving and flossing at the same time. i know tt's disgusting. but i'm happy as it is. i didnt care who sat next to me in the lorry. but tt is besides the point of this entry. what i'm trying to say is tt, i had thots of the certain ppl in my life. and i managed to realise certain aspects of ppl.
Those who are happy for others, deserve to be happy as well. Those who are not happy for others, do dont deserve to be happy.sometimes, we dont need the extra worry for others ard us. we are human. we make mistakes. but brooding over something tt is not worth your time, is unnecessary. if we want to be happy, then we have it. to be bless with feelings is a gift tt God sent us. i forgive, but i have a hard time to forget. but at least i try. when we wake up in the morning feeling awful of a person, we end up feeling awful on tt day. when we forgive a person and try again, we feel of a less burden.
i know my advice is probably the last thing anyone would heed. but these are just my inner thoughts for today. for those who "kena the chilli", i'm sorry. maybe it's just coincidental tt it's about u. i just had to do this, because a fren who i truly envied his circumstances is going thru this in his head.
with tt aside,
NOFX anyone?